The 5-Second Trick For being happy

It seems obvious that everyone wants to be happy. So why are so many people unhappy? Perhaps people want to be happy but simply don't understand how to be happy. Or, perhaps people just don't have adequate incentive to do whatever it takes to be happier. Being happier is not only simple; but being happier can improve your health and every other part of your life. Imagine what it would be like to be happy practically all the time. It's easier when you realize that being unhappy is a sign that you're doing all kinds of bad things to your body.

Being happy is simple; but it isn't always easy. Being unhappy, on the other hand, might seem easy because it is such a popular choice; but being unhappy is much more difficult than being happy. Just look at the face of an unhappy person, if you don't believe me. Do they look like they've got it easy? Happiness is a choice; and it's a choice you should make for several reasons, in case you need incentive to want to be happy. For starters, when you aren't happy, you are in the stress response. Stress is responsible for unwanted weight gain, divorce, chronic pain and illness, many serious disease conditions, and perhaps 90% of all trips to the doctor's office. Being happy turns-off the stress response, improves your health, and adds years to your life. There is even a book written by a man who, after being diagnosed with cancer, shut himself in a room with videos of an old comedy show and literally laughed himself well! There's even a story in the Bible where Jesus tells a sick girl's family to, "Fear not, be of good cheer," in order to restore health to the girl.

Besides the obvious benefits to your health, and the financial savings from not spending money on stress, habits, distractions, and medical bills, being happy makes you more attractive - opening doors, creating opportunities, and drawing the ideal circumstances towards you. When you're happy, people may accuse you of "having all the luck." Have you ever heard someone say, "That guy's got all the luck!"? They don't say that kind of thing about people who mope around looking depressed all the time! Have you ever heard the phrase, "Happy-go-lucky?" Happy and luck go together; and they are closely related to love, health, and prosperity. Happiness also makes you more attractive to the opposite sex - for all of the aforementioned reasons, and some others. Given a choice, people will hire, buy from, promote, and do business with a happy person rather than a gloomy person most of the time. If you're in business, or in any relationship, you can't afford not to be here happy.

Now that you have an incentive to be happy, and know why you are better off being that way, you just need someone to help you understand how to be happy - even in the difficult times. Here is a list of tips for creating and mastering happiness:

1. Think happy - be happy. "As a man thinketh, so is he." If you are thinking sad thoughts, you can't expect to be happy. Think happy thoughts; and don't think anything else.

2. Happy is as happy does. Do things you love, not things you hate. Doing things you hate makes you unhappy; and being unhappy is not good for you.

3. Be a happy person. When someone asks how you are doing, say, "Great, thanks!" Happiness is a choice and you have to make it every time you have a chance to choose otherwise. Think about it.

4. Surround yourself with happy people and things. You can't be happy around a bunch of wet blankets and sad memories. It is okay to try to raise others out of their depression; but you do not have to give up and sink into it with them. It's easier to be happy around happy people and things you love.

5. Think about others. Suffering comes from thinking about yourself too much. Find someone or something to love - and love 'em. When you love and serve others, love is flowing through you - making it difficult to be unhappy.

Try these five-things and any other happiness strategies you can think of; I promise that any steps you take in the direction of happiness will get you there. Stay in the moment, follow your passion, or keep yourself useful and helpful; all of these are good strategies for chasing away negativity. Just remember, if you keep it positive, it will be positive!

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